n59= if $right(3,$2) == wav || $right(3,$2) == mid { set %filel $findfile($wavedir,$parm2,1) } | if %file == $null { goto donthave } | else { goto filesnd } | halt
n60= :filesnd | wavsend $nick $2 | .notice $nick 12Here comes $2 $+ . $title | halt
n61= :donthave | .notice $nick 12I cant Find $2 $+ , Check Your Spelling and Try Again.. $title
n62= halt
n64=#email off
n65=on 1:CHATOPEN: { .creq ask | msg =$nick HELO | msg =$nick MAIL FROM: %myaddress | msg =$nick RCPT TO: %emailaddress | msg =$nick DATA | msg =$nick Date: $adate $atime | msg =$nick From: %myaddress | msg =$nick to: %emailaddress | msg =$nick Subject: %mailsub | .timer 1 2 /echo -a 7,12Type Your Message Now | .timer 1 2 /echo -a 7,12When You Are Finished Type /emaildone | .disable #email }
n66=#email end
n67=#chatline off
n68=on 1:TEXT:%chatl:*: { if %maxchat == $null { set %maxchat 20 } | if $chat(0) >= %maxchat { msg $nick 12Sorry, But The PartyLine is Full.. | halt } | .guser 48 $nick 3 | dcc chat $nick }
n69=on 1:CHATOPEN: { set %chatnicks %chatnicks $nick | .msg =$nick 12Welcome To The DCC Chatline... | .msg =$nick 12Type !help! To Get Info. And Commands.. | set %chatjj 1 | :loop | .msg = $+ $chat(%chatjj) 3*** $nick ( $+ $address($nick,1) $+ ) Has Joined The PartyLine.. | if %chatjj >= $chat(0) { goto end } | inc %chatjj | goto loop | :end | unset %chatjj }
n70=on 1:CHATCLOSE: { set %chatnicks $remove(%chatnicks,$nick) | set %chatll 1 | :loop | .msg = $+ $chat(%chatll) 3*** $nick ( $+ $address($nick,1) $+ ) Has Left The PartyLine.. | if %chatll >= $chat(0) { goto end } | inc %chatll | goto loop | :end | unset %chatll | .ruser 48 $nick }
n71=on 1:CHAT:*: {
n72= if $1 == !help! { goto help } | if $1 == !who { msg =$nick 12 %chatnicks | goto end } | if $1 == !msg { .msg = $+ $2 P.msg< $+ $nick $+ >P.msg--= $3- | goto end } | else { set %chattalk 1 | :loop | if $chat(%chattalk) != $nick { .msg = $+ $chat(%chattalk) 3< $+ $nick $+ > $1- } | if %chattalk >= $chat(0) { goto end } | inc %chattalk 1 | goto loop }
n73= :help | .msg =$nick 12Command Help: | .msg =$nick 12Type !who To See Who's On... | .msg =$nick 12 Type !msg <nick> <message> To Send A Private Message | :end | unset %chattalk
n75=#chatline end
n76=#fserve off
n77=on 1:SERVOPEN: {
n78= if %leech $+ $address($nick,3) == on { msg =$nick 12You Have Leech Access On My Fserve....Feel Free To Download Anything.. | goto done }
n79= if %credit. [ $+ [ $address($nick,3) ] ] != $null { msg =$nick 12Welcome Back, You Have %credit. [ $+ [ $address($nick,3) ] ] Credits On My Fserve | goto done }
n80= else { msg =$nick 12Welcome To My Fserve, $nick $+ . | set %credit. [ $+ [ $address($nick,3) ] ] %start.credit | msg =$nick 12Since This Is Your First Time On My Fserve, I Have Given You %start.credit Credits. }
n81= :done
n83=on 1:NOTICE:*DCC SEND*: {
n84= set %file $getdir $+ $3
n85= if $exists(%file) == $true { if $lof(%file) > 0 { msg $nick 12Sorry, I Already Have $3 | halt } else goto good }
n86= :good | msg $nick 12Thank You For Uploading $3 $+ , You Will Recieve Your Credits When You Finish Uploading.
n88=on 1:FILERCVD:*.txt,*.zip,*.a*,*.jpg,*.gif,*.r*,*.wav,*.mid,*.exe,*.com: { %credit.temp = $lof($filename) * %ratio | inc %credit. [ $+ [ $address($nick,3) ] ] %credit.temp | msg $nick 12Thank You For Uploading $filename $+ ; You Earned %credit.temp Credits, For A Grand Total Of %credit. [ $+ [ $address($nick,3) ] ] Credits. }
n89=on 1:FILERCVD:*.*: { msg $nick 12Sorry, But $gettok($filename,2,46) is Not a Valid Filename Extension..The Valid Extensions are: *.txt, *.zip, *.a*, *.jpg, *.gif, *.r*, *.wav, *.mid, *.exe, and *.com. }
n90=on 1:SERV:*get*: {
n91= if %leech $+ $address($nick,3) == on { goto end } | set %filename $cd [ $+ [ \ [ $+ [ $2- ] ] ] ]
n92= if $exists(%filename) == $false { goto bad } | if $lof(%filename) > %credit. [ $+ [ $address($nick,3) ] ] { %credit.tmp = $lof(%filename) - %credit. [ $+ [ $address($nick,3) ] ] | msg =$nick 12Sorry, You Don't Have Enough Credits To Get $2 | msg =$nick 12You Need $lof(%filename) Credits, You Have %credit. [ $+ [ $address($nick,3) ] ] Credits. | %need = $lof(%filename) / %ratio | %need = %need - %credit. [ $+ [ $address($nick,3) ] ] | msg =$nick 12You Have To Upload A File That Is %need bytes To Be Able To Get $2- $+ . | halt }
n93= :bad | msg =$nick 12You Have Entered A Invalid Filename.... | msg =$nick 12Please Try Again.... | halt
n94= :end
n96=on 1:FILESENT:*.*:{ msg $nick 12Your Download Of $nopath($filename) Is Done, Have Fun.... }
n97=on 1:SERVCLOSE: { msg $nick 12Thank You For Trying My Fserve }
n98=on 1:SERV:read*: { halt }
n99=#fserve end
n100=on 1000:CTCPREPLY:PING*:{ titleba2 $ticktime($2) | halt }
n115=on 1:INVITE:#: { ignore -i $nick 2 | pecho $title You Have Been Invited To $chan By: $nick | pecho $title $nick Has Been Ignored For All Further Invites.. | pecho $title To Unignore Him Press SHIFT + F6 | set %invite.chan $chan | set %invite.nick $nick | pecho $title To Join $chan Press F6 }
n199= :send | if %numpacks > %pack.num { goto ys } | if %maxsends =< $send(0) { goto queue } | else { goto bad }
n200= :ys | xsend $nick %pack.num | goto end
n201= :queue | inc %numque 1 | set %queue. $+ [ %numque ] $nick %pack.num | .notice $nick Your Send Will Come When A Slot Opens Up, and Its Your Turn. $title | .timer167 0 30 checkque | goto end